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  • 车库门的品牌该怎么样选择
  • 本站编辑:杭州鸿森门业有限公司发布日期:2019-05-01 06:24 浏览次数:
  • 1.车库门:车库门主要有遥控、感应、电动、手动几种。 其中遥控、感应、电动都可统称为自动车库门。 自动车库门主要分类为:翻板车库门与卷帘车库门。尤其是门洞较大,不便安装地面门体的地方起到方便、快捷开启作用。
      4.车库门:车库门可以安装防盗、安全系统:如降遇阻力反弹系统,该设施能让门体遇阻力停止,既保护人身与车辆进出安全,又保护门的可靠使用;红外线传感器控制系统,有效保障人、车辆、宠物的进出安全;防盗报警系统,当有人撬门时高音喇叭将发出警报,保护安全。 同时设有停电备用电池工作功能,停电后无需手动开门。
      5.现在我们对车库门有一些大致的了解,剩下的就是要选厂家品牌了,选厂家一定要选有生产能力、有售后保障的厂家,不要一味的贪求便宜,这样就能避免很多不必要的麻烦,毕竟车库门不是一次性用品。 杭州鸿森门业有限公司是一家专业从事安全智能家居的高科技型企业。公司以引领门窗智能化和控制智能技术的发展为己任,溶入“技术创新、服务优越”的企业理念,以ISO国际质量标准、CCC、CE认证体系严格规范管理,力求产品质量的尽善尽美,时刻满足客户需求,不断提升产品附加值。

    1. Garage doors: Garage doors mainly have remote control, induction, electric, manual several kinds. Among them, remote control, induction, and electric power can all be collectively referred to as automatic garage doors. The main categories of automatic garage doors are: rollover garage doors and roll curtain garage doors. In particular, the door hole is large and it is inconvenient to install the ground door body to play a convenient and quick opening role.
    2. Curtain doors include: ordinary curling doors, stainless steel curling doors, aluminum alloy curling doors, foam curling doors, inorganic cloth fire curling doors and so on. The most common coiling garage doors on the market are made of aluminum alloy extrusion materials. The surface is treated with electrostatic powder spraying, fluorine spraying, etc., to achieve corrosion resistance, acid resistance, rust resistance, scratch resistance, etc.. Strong durability, long service life, Strong, with anti-theft, protection and other properties, so the most widely used range.
    3. Turnboard garage doors are: color steel door garage door, Lopez gold garage door, wood door garage door, solid wood garage door
    4. Garage doors: Garage doors can be equipped with anti-theft and safety systems: If the resistance rebound system is reduced, the facility can stop the resistance of the door body, both to protect the safety of people and vehicles entering and leaving, and to protect the reliable use of the door; Infrared sensor control system, effectively ensure the safety of people, vehicles, pets in and out; Security alarm system, when someone pries the door, the loudspeaker will sound the alarm, protect the safety. At the same time, there is a power outage backup battery function, and there is no need to manually open the door after the power outage.
    5. Now we have some general understanding of the garage door, what is left is to select the manufacturers 'brands. The selected manufacturers must choose the manufacturers with production capacity and after-sale protection, not blindly seeking cheap, so as to avoid many unnecessary problems. After all, garage doors are not disposable. Hangzhou Hongsen Gate Industry Co. Ltd. is a professional engaged in safe and intelligent home high-tech enterprises. The company takes the responsibility of guiding the intelligent development of doors and windows and controlling the development of smart technologies, integrates the enterprise concept of "technological innovation and superior service", and strictly regulates management with ISO international quality standards, CCC and CE certification systems, and strives for the perfection of product quality. Always meet customers 'needs and continuously increase the added value of the product.
    Our company is a professional production garage door, details can be found on our official website www.linso.cn.